Daily Health

1. Eat your fruits and veggies. Most of us don't eat the amount of produce that we should. To find out how much you should eat every day visit this calculator.
2. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once. Brushing in the morning and brushing and flossing before bed helps to keep the bacteria in your mouth at bay and prevents cavities and gum disease. Not to mention it helps to keep your teeth stain free. Of course doing both after each meal is even better but most of us don't take the time..... *ahm* Visit your dentist for a check-up and cleaning every 6 months.
3. Wearing sunscreen is important every time you go outside, no matter what season. Being in the sun gives you a good dose of vitamin D, but 15-30 minutes a day is all it takes for the amount you need to soak in. Sunscreen does not hinder your vitamin intake and helps to prevent skin cancer and other skin disorders. For more information and how to choose your sunscreen visit here.
4. Learn to snack healthy. A complete and balanced diet does your body a ton of good; from your reproductive system to your outward appearance and everything in between. Making sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs should be a top priority. Visit here to learn how to plan a diet.
5. Take a daily vitamin. Ask your doctor for a recommendation based on your health needs.
6. Water, water, water! Limiting your sugar and caffeine intake helps keep unneeded calories from your diet and fends off extra weight gain. Although studies show you don't necissarily need 64 oz. each day I think it is a good number to shoot for. For more on the benefits of water click here.
7. Exercise 30 minutes each day. I've always heard that this is the recommended amount of time for cardio workouts each day. Getting your heart rate up has numerous health benefits. Adding yoga or meditation exercises is a good idea as well to help reduce stress and keep you mind sharp.
8. Get your beauty sleep. Getting the proper amount of rest each night helps you body, mind and overall health. Each person needs a different amount of rest each night, the general range can be between 6 to 8 hours.
9. Release the stresses of life by delving into your Bible. The peace that comes from praying and reading scripture is something that I enjoy on a daily basis. By iliminating stress you improve your health and your mood. For a fun Bible app that gives you a reading schedule and daily verse click here.
10. Use an air purifier to make the air in your home easier to inhale. Cleaning the particles and allergens out of the air in my house has made a huge difference in my home's smell and allergens.
Dust gathers less on furniture and my husband has less sniffles. (He is more allergic to things than I am.)
*this information is not intended to replace the advice or dignosis of a doctor or health care professional


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